Submit Proposal Here!

We hope that you will all consider submitting a session idea this year. We’re continuing last year’s new lighting-talk format with 6 - 15-minute presentations. This is a great way to get your feet wet as a first-time speaker or share information on a topic you don’t think will fill up a 50-minute session.

If there is someone you think would make a great presenter on a specific topic, reach out and encourage them to submit a proposal!

Helpful Resources to utilize as you consider your proposal.

1.  Learning Objective Outline

2.  ILA Proposal Guidelines

3.  Reminder Information

Here are a few topic suggestions for you to use as a starting point, but please don’t feel limited to these subjects:


Ideas that can be scaled to any size of library

Budget-friendly ideas and strategies

Programming for all age groups


Unconference or brainstorming for Summer Reading 2024


Social media tips

Demonstrations of apps/software

Creating a digital footprint for your library

Patron privacy

Media and information literacy

Leadership and management skills:

Succession planning (e.g. a “Bus Binder”)

Educating and working with board members

Relationships with the city government

Staff burnout and work/life balance

Applying for grants


Community Engagement:

Book challenges, protests, and First Amendment audits

Accessibility and inclusion

Attracting greater numbers of new patrons

Libraries as a resource for all

Engaging with immigrants and across language barriers


Practical knowledge and advice:

Collection management and maintenance

Librarian hacks and tips

Item repair

Ideas for single-person or limited-staff libraries

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